Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Girlfriends are one of life's most precious and valuable treasures!

As I travel from city to city, I always think of and reflect how lucky I am to have such an amazing group of girlfriends (you know who you are!).  Whether, we are a group of 10, 8, 4, 3, 2…. Each one of you are so important to me and I love you!

When I return to Vancouver, where all my things are currently stored, I get to look through all the memories that we have shared; whether it’s through pictures, scrapbooks, cards, emails, etc.  And I know how I feel about you in that exact moment, is how you are feeling about me.  Our relationship only grows and strengthens with time.  It doesn’t matter how far we are from each other, or how often we talk, when we need each other, we know we can always count on each other.

And when that special moment comes where we get to spend time face to face, everything is as it was when we last saw each other, or even better.

Just a message to let you all know that I am always thinking of you!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Thank You Rochester!

It’s been awhile since I’ve updated my blog…. Oops.  
I guess living life in the moment and embracing everything infront of you is a "go go" mechanism.  I’m beginning to think that that is just my lifestyle and no matter where I am or what I’m doing, I will always be on the go.  However, I do understand that it is important to stop and reflect from time to time.

So where have I been the last few months since my Bikram Yoga Teacher career kicked off.

Well, I spent the months of July teaching in both Toronto and Vancouver studios.  Having a loose leaf schedule with 1-2 classes a week, it was a no-brainer when an opportunity came up to teach full time in Rochester, NY.  Of course, having 2 of my fellow trainees from teacher training there was a bonus…. And the top 10 reasons list from Gonzalo made it a 110% Yes! 

Going from an average 50 hours work-week schedule to 20 hours work-week schedule has been somewhat of an adjustment.  Nevertheless, I find myself just as busy, occupying myself with a never-ending to-do list. 

Being a Bikram Yoga Teacher, I have adapted to a “living day by day” lifestyle. Everyday is a new day.  You live in the moment.  The schedule is never the same.  You have everyday to wake up and make up your mind what to do and when to do it.  Students ask me all the time... what day it is?… and I honestly never have any idea.  I’m living the day as it is.  I’m not sure if that’ s a good thing or bad thing.  But in the meantime, I’m enjoying teaching and learning and growing in my new role.  The students are inspiring and seeing their efforts and progress in class inspires me to continue with my practice.  Patience is key!  And continuing to take classes from different teachers allows me to continue to learn and apply new things to my teaching.  I’m so grateful for this new life and new adventure, allowing me to pursue 2 of my passions; travelling and yoga. 

Teaching at Bikram Yoga Rochester has allowed me to flourish and gain the confidence to, not only develop as a teacher, but within myself.  The opportunity to meet new people, see new things, go out of your comfort zone, take risks, etc  it’s all there for you to explore!  I’d like to think that I have also impacted those around me to take the leap of faith and just go for it- whatever it is!!!  Some secrets I will never tell (lol). 

In training, we discuss the subject of Yoga and the means of Yoga to help people discover themselves and humanity.  I’ve been able to see the differences in people’s lives and what this yoga brings to them….. Incredible!  Every experience has been extremely valuable and I want to thank everyone in Rochester, especially my Rochester family for giving me this opportunity, allowing me to go thru the ups and downs,  and supporting me through the whole way.  I love you guys! <3

Now, I begin my adventure out in Europe, teaching first in Brussels for the next 2 months.